Legal Overview
For the implementation of corporate objectives and the success of Orion, S.A. and its affiliated companies (“Orion”), the trust of business partners, shareholders and the general public is essential. A company’s success is largely built on trust — not only from its business partners, shareholders and the public, but also and especially on that of its employees. But trust cannot be taken for granted — it has to be earned by ensuring transparency, reliability and fairness. With this in mind, we have developed a Code of Conduct for all Orion employees and suppliers. It is intended to guide and support us all in our day-to-day work and cooperation.
Markets and cultures are growing closer together, which results in greater challenges due to the multiple and more complex regulatory regimes that have to be observed. We have appointed Compliance Officers which are there to help you whenever you have questions or if there is a conflict of interest.
Trust does not come automatically, and it must be earned on a continuous basis. The laws of countries where Orion operates must be observed of course, but more is required. As a responsible company Orion has adopted globally applicable principles of individual and collective behavior defining how the company conducts its business.
A high degree of social, legal and ethical compliance is expected of all employees and all of those we do business with. Executives have a particular responsibility to act as role models.
Orion strictly adheres to the law and we would rather lose a piece of business than win it with the use
of illegal methods.
Successful companies are built on trust
Our Code of Conduct is binding on all Orion employees and applies worldwide – not only in business, public life or in dealings with government authorities and institutions, but also in our daily activities and behaviors within the company. We expect each our employees to take responsibility for their own conduct and comply with the rules of the Code at all times.
We also expect our business partners to observe the ethical and legal standards embodied in our Code of Conduct. All business partners are encouraged to closely review our Code of Conduct and to inform us in case they are or become aware of deviations by our employees in their business dealings.
Please click to Compliance Guidelines to see and download all relevant Compliance Guidelines.
Contact our chief compliance officer:

If you have any questions or complaints, please contact:
Dr. Christian Eggert, LL.M.
General Counsel – Global
Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH
Eschborn, Germany
+49 6196 771 929 117
[email protected]