Contact Our Chief Compliance Officer:

If you have any questions or complaints, please contact:
Dr. Christian Eggert, LL.M.
General Counsel – Global
Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH,
Frankfurt, Germany
+49 69 36 50 54 117
[email protected]
We Depend on Your Cooperation: Please Report Any Violations
Orion feels obligated to internationally accepted standards for good and responsible management. With our Code of Conduct, which is valid throughout the entire company group, Orion has laid down clear rules of behavior, based on morals, the law and our values. In case, that despite our strict rules and guidelines any violation of the same should occur, all employees, business partners, customers and other stakeholders should report those violations of the Code of Conduct, internal guidelines, regulations or applicable laws to the “Whistleblower Portal” of Orion. Confidentiality is guaranteed within the framework of the statutory provisions.
Your contact person at Orion
Please click here to get to the contact details of our Chief Compliance Officer.
Anonymous external Orion whistleblower online portal
Next to the direct company contact, Orion provides a whistleblower web portal that enables reporting of possible violations without you disclosing your name, email address or other identifying information unless you choose to do so. The anonymous online portal is operated by a company specializing in this area, Business Keeper AG, Bayreuther Str. 35, 10789 Berlin, Germany, with whom we have concluded a data processor agreement. Please take notice of our data privacy policy regarding the use of the anonymous online portal. Each report submitted to this whistleblower online portal will only be accessible to Orion’s Chief Compliance Officer.
This portal is available in the following languages:
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese
- Swedish
To further ensure anonymity, do not use a company internet portal.
Datenschutzerklärung gemäß DS-GVO für das BKMS® System (Hinweisgebersystem) (Data Policy only available in German)
Reporting Office of the German Federal Government at the German Federal Office of Justice
Orion encourages every whistleblower to make use of the contact options to Orion mentioned above. In case you do not feel comfortable to address your concerns through such contact options, you can also address concerns through the external Reporting Office of the German Federal Government at the German Federal Office of Justice. The current link to such Reporting Office and further information can be found here:
Code of Conduct in your language:
Supplier Code of Conduct in your language:
Decyzja Prezesa URE zatwierdzajaca wymogi ogolnego stosowania dla przylaczania jednostek wytworczych

Koncesje dla energii elektrycznej Orion Engineered Carbons Sp. z o.o.
Taryfy Orion Engineered Carbons Sp. z o.o.
Wzór umowy o świadczenie usług dystrybucji energii elektrycznej
Wzór umowy kompleksowej dla energii elektrycznej
Instrukcja Ruchu i Eksploatacji Sieci Dystrybucyjnej Orion Engineered Carbons Sp. z o.o.
Procedury przyłaczeniowe wymagane kodeksem sieci.
Przylaczanie jednostek wytworczych (NC RFG)
Przylaczanie odbioru (NC DC)
Przyłaczanie mocy napiecia pradu stalego oraz modulowow parku energii z podłaczeniem pradu stalego (NC HVDC)
Informacje - powazne awarie przemyslowe
Obowiazki RODO
Personal Data Protection
Personal Data Protection
Personal Data Protection
Personal Data Protection
Personal Data Protection
Orion Engineered Carbons General Terms & Conditions for Purchase – Globally
Orion Engineered Carbons Purchase Conditions (German)
Orion Engineered Carbons Purchase Conditions (English)
Orion Engineered Carbons General Terms & Conditions for Sale in the Americas
Orion Engineered Carbons General Terms & Conditions for Sale in Europe, Africa and Asia
General Conditions of Sale and Delivery Orion Engineered Carbons (German)
General Conditions of Sale and Delivery Orion Engineered Carbons (English)